Our SAT preparation course can be offered either at our Oxford premises, online or at your school.  Depending on your level of effort and commitment you should be able to improve your SAT score by 200 points or more.  Our specifically designed 16-hour course with its own methodology and workbooks equips you for the SAT in the following ways:

  • Revision: for many U.K. students, the SAT requires knowledge you may not have covered since 15 or 16 years old.  Our course reviews the mathematics; and the rules of grammar, syntax, vocabulary, and structure tested in the SAT.
  •  Techniques & Tactics: the style of questions posed by the SAT will be unfamiliar to most U.K. students.  Our course covers the crucial rules for approaching each type of question on the SAT.  Our workbooks include a section on ‘Facts & Tactics’ which explains to you how best to use strategies like process of elimination, educated guessing, context clues, and deductive reasoning to maximise your scores.
  • Speed & Stamina: the SAT examination lasts 3 hours and 45 minutes and so demands extended periods of focus and endurance.  Our tutors will train you how to answer questions under intense time pressure including the optimum process for completing the Writing Section essay in 25 minutes.  You will learn to build speed and stamina through repeated practice and timed exercises on each section of the examination.

Included in the course

The Greene’s SAT preparation course includes:

  • A pre-course graded SAT diagnostic test
  • 16 hours of teaching by our trained SAT tutors in Critical Reading, Writing, and Mathematics
  • The Greene’s SAT Course Workbooks set, including the tactics and rules for each of the sections of the SAT
  • Six hours of graded assignments between seminars
  • Regular group testing to ensure students understand and can perform under time constraints
  • The Greene’s Vocabulary Workbook with the 5,000 most frequently tested vocabulary words on the SAT
  • An individual student performance report after each seminar
  • A comparative report including students test scores, specific universities’ target scores, and U.S. national SAT averages
  • A post-course graded SAT test to mark students’ progress
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